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Generated at: 15:54:23 09/01/13
    - [SearchStrings]

SearchStrings (30 / 2160) [show full report]
#Hits%Search String
21292.94clearly canadian
3952.17canada dry
4390.89delaware punch
5350.80holly beverage company youngstown ohio
6330.75boy scout patrol box
7320.73clearly canadian water
8320.73charmar soft drink
9280.64royal crown cola
10270.62antique barq's 12 oz bottles embossed no...
11200.46smooth side coca cola bottle erie
12180.41frostie root beer
13180.41budwine soda brands invsc
14160.36dana soda bottle
15150.34pepsi new patriotic can
16150.34par-t-pak bottles
17150.34pepsi cola bottles
18140.32genuine barq's bottle blue and white lab...
21120.27diamond head beverages bottle
22120.27genuine 2fullglasses
23120.27shivar coat of arms
24110.25acl soda bottles
25110.25clear root beer soda
26110.25grilli brothers beverages
28110.25rock creek ginger ale bottle
29100.23frosty root beer
#Search String

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